Our Success Stories
Dr. Michelle Rhoads
Michelle Rhoads leveraged her MFA Foundation scholarship to work toward solving a growing dairy cow fertility problem. Her quest for a dairy career began when she was growing up near Osage Bend, Mo., and progressed through an undergraduate degree at the University of Missouri, a master’s degree at Cornell and a PhD back at Old Mizzou. Today she is an assistant professor in the Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences at Virginia Polytechnic Instititue and State University.
Brian Anderson
Brian Anderson’s itch for farming took him from Polo, Mo. to the University of Missouri and a degree in agricultural economics. His post-college experience in the seed industry led him to the halls of MFA Incorporated where, as a production and marketing specialist, he helped build the MorSoy soybean line into a marketplace success. Anderson is now the manager of Mid-States Seed in Marshall, Missouri.
Jeannie Bentley
Jeannie Bentley used her degree in a life-long commitment tothose around her. She grew up in Marceline, Mo., and after graduating with a degree in physical education from Northeast Missouri State University (now Truman State), Bentley immersed herself in raising her children and becoming involved in civic leadership in north central Missouri. Now she is director of advancement for Boys & Girls Town of Missouri, an organization with a mission to improve the lives of children with emotional and behavioral problems through family-focused services.
The MFA Foundation is a collaboration between MFA Incorporated, its local affiliates, joint venture partners and MFA Oil Company.